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RAWIG stands for Roguelike Architecture Written In Go.

For a long time, I was relying on libtcodpy with SDL as the roguelike backend. Later, I started to use an excellent BearLibTerminal library. Last year, I decided to write my own "roguelike architecture" - the goal was to create a universal roguelike template.
A developer needs to provide very own core mechanics and level generators. Everything else - rendering system, pathfinding and field-of-view algorithms, UI and menus - is already set up. RAWIG is easy to use, and almost dependency free - its rendering system relies on BearLibTerminal.
I used RAWIG to create About The Kid Who Stole The Relics Back, Rogue Robs Train, and Unnamed Broughlike.

#RoguelikeDev does the Complete Roguelike Tutorial

It is the yearly event hosted by aaron_ds on /r/roguelikedev. In 2017, I decided to participate, using Go programming language to follow the mentioned tutorial as close as possible. I even wrote some write-ups.


Most of the available tools transcripts Cyrillic script to English. Even the Polish media started to use English forms some time ago. As a remedy, I decided to write a simple tool to transcript and transliterate Cyrillic to Latin alphabet, using simplified PN-ISO standard.


I had Pony programming language on my radar for a while already. It seems to provide nice guarantees without much burden, and has easy to use C FFI. Therefore, creating a simple wrapper for BearLibTerminal looks like a nice way to learn a bit more about Pony.


I was following the excellent flask tutorial created by Miguel Grinberg.